This year, I really want to...

finally learn how to fold a fitted sheet – adulting level 100.

I recently discovered that...

I can say 'no' to a second coffee. But why would I?

I'm looking for...

my other sock. It's a solo journey.

A shower thought I recently had...

If I were a superhero, my power would be drying off instantly.

My most irrational fear is...

that autocorrect will expose my poor spelling in a group chat.

A perfect day for me looks like...

24 hours of no battery low notifications.

My go-to karaoke song is...

anything by Queen – guaranteed crowd pleaser.

On Sundays, you can usually find me...

pretending to have plans but really just recharging my social battery.

This year, I really want to...

finally learn how to fold a fitted sheet – adulting level 100.

I recently discovered that...

I can say 'no' to a second coffee. But why would I?

I'm looking for...

my other sock. It's a solo journey.

A shower thought I recently had...

If I were a superhero, my power would be drying off instantly.

My most irrational fear is...

that autocorrect will expose my poor spelling in a group chat.

A perfect day for me looks like...

24 hours of no battery low notifications.

My go-to karaoke song is...

anything by Queen – guaranteed crowd pleaser.

On Sundays, you can usually find me...

pretending to have plans but really just recharging my social battery.

I get along best with people who...

can appreciate a good dad joke.

The last book I read and loved was...

a cookbook. I’m now a three-recipe wonder.

I'm weirdly attracted to...

people who use the correct your/you're.

If I could travel anywhere, I'd go to...

a place where my phone auto-connects to WiFi.

An underrated pleasure of mine is...

perfectly timing the microwave to stop at 1 second.

Something that's non-negotiable for me is...

coffee in the morning, or I'm basically a zombie.

The best gift I've ever received was...

a plant I haven't managed to kill yet. It's a miracle.

My favorite family tradition is...

overcooking the turkey every Thanksgiving.

I get along best with people who...

can appreciate a good dad joke.

The last book I read and loved was...

a cookbook. I’m now a three-recipe wonder.

I'm weirdly attracted to...

people who use the correct your/you're.

If I could travel anywhere, I'd go to...

a place where my phone auto-connects to WiFi.

An underrated pleasure of mine is...

perfectly timing the microwave to stop at 1 second.

Something that's non-negotiable for me is...

coffee in the morning, or I'm basically a zombie.

The best gift I've ever received was...

a plant I haven't managed to kill yet. It's a miracle.

My favorite family tradition is...

overcooking the turkey every Thanksgiving.

A skill I want to master this year is...

not killing houseplants. It's harder than it looks.

The way to win me over is...

with a good pun. I'm all about that pun life.

Something that makes me laugh out loud...

is when dogs have human names like Gary.

I'm secretly really good at...

giving life advice. I'm basically a fortune cookie.

A random fact I love is...

that otters hold hands while sleeping so they don't drift away.

The best adventure I've been on...

was finding my way back home without GPS.

My ideal weekend includes...

a little bit of adventure and a lot of doing nothing.

I feel most empowered when...

I fix something without Googling it.

One thing I'll never do again is...

eat a whole pizza by myself. I still feel it.

My greatest accomplishment so far is...

remembering all my passwords without a reset.

If I had one superpower, it would be...

to refill things – my bank account, my coffee, my patience.

The most spontaneous thing I've done is...

book a trip based on the next flight out.

A cause I'm passionate about is...

saving the bees. It's the buzz I can't ignore.

The quirkiest thing about me is...

I can name every state in alphabetical order.

A skill I want to master this year is...

not killing houseplants. It's harder than it looks.

The way to win me over is...

with a good pun. I'm all about that pun life.

Something that makes me laugh out loud...

is when dogs have human names like Gary.

I'm secretly really good at...

giving life advice. I'm basically a fortune cookie.

A random fact I love is...

that otters hold hands while sleeping so they don't drift away.

The best adventure I've been on...

was finding my way back home without GPS.

My ideal weekend includes...

a little bit of adventure and a lot of doing nothing.

I feel most empowered when...

I fix something without Googling it.

One thing I'll never do again is...

eat a whole pizza by myself. I still feel it.

My greatest accomplishment so far is...

remembering all my passwords without a reset.

If I had one superpower, it would be...

to refill things – my bank account, my coffee, my patience.

The most spontaneous thing I've done is...

book a trip based on the next flight out.

A cause I'm passionate about is...

saving the bees. It's the buzz I can't ignore.

The quirkiest thing about me is...

I can name every state in alphabetical order.

One thing I'll never do again is...

eat a whole pizza by myself. I still feel it.

My greatest accomplishment so far is...

remembering all my passwords without a reset.

If I had one superpower, it would be...

to refill things – my bank account, my coffee, my patience.

The most spontaneous thing I've done is...

book a trip based on the next flight out.

A cause I'm passionate about is...

saving the bees. It's the buzz I can't ignore.

The quirkiest thing about me is...

I can name every state in alphabetical order.

One thing I'll never do again is...

eat a whole pizza by myself. I still feel it.

My greatest accomplishment so far is...

remembering all my passwords without a reset.

If I had one superpower, it would be...

to refill things – my bank account, my coffee, my patience.

The most spontaneous thing I've done is...

book a trip based on the next flight out.

A cause I'm passionate about is...

saving the bees. It's the buzz I can't ignore.

The quirkiest thing about me is...

I can name every state in alphabetical order.

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